Hey there. I'm a bit late, so part 6 will be a bit bigger than usual. I've also
when through a lot of photos, so I'm now about 3/4 of the way done! I can see the
light at the end of the tunnel! I hope it's not a train!
There are a few people here whom I am not sure who they are, if you know, please let
me know!
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So, let us start shall we? Here, Ltx.4.jay gets more treatment. I'm not sure if this is

I'm not sure who this is, but I thought the hood/pony tail combo was cool.(Edit: I've
been told this is Feisty Vixen).

Domina Elle posing for us

This pose led to trouble!

Gaelle again, with Catasta in the background...

Nurk, who came all the way from the west coast, with Llatex Dolly in the back, while.
some hapless tourists look on. They don't look too traumatized to me!

Mistress Zyra having a moment with Playful.

And then it's Adie's turn.
And then, finally, it's my turn! Thanks to Analouk for taking this photo :)

Adie having fun with an unidentified beauty (edit: Mistress Irony). Nice legs all around.

A lot of myster here - who was this woman? Where is Playful's hand? What's going on
in the background!?! (edit: It's Madam M apparently... the other questions remain

Did I mention how happy Playful was with her new skirt?

Fuckin Gerry being Fuckin Gerry with Alexa-Unique and Asmondena. They love the guy!

This kind of stuff *always* happens around him. Marc's impressive Sangfroid shows signs
of crumbling.
And that's it for now! Next week, more boat photos, on a three hour tour..
Back to the home page.