German Fetish Ball
In May-June 2006, I had a wonderful trip as I got to visit Prague, and then
Berlin with some Czech friends. Why Berlin? The German Fetish Ball, of course!
Here are some pictures taken at this awesome event. I got to meet other people I
have known, or known of, for a long time. That being said, I ow a lot to Rikapt and
Honeyhair for being such great hosts!
Before the trip, I did bring some toys with me my friend tried. I'm not too
comfortable with showing all the pictures we took, but I think they both enjoyed

A neat part of the weekend was the fetish fair, wich had all sorts of kinky goods
for sale. I bought a cool shirt there (red strips on shoulders one, from Demaske).
I would have bought more, but I fell ill unfortunately...
Here I am with DarkwingZero, a very cool gal I first met on Rubberpal.
I look a bit silly here, but eh, that's life for you!

We then went (saturday night) to the Fetish Revolution party. I had fun, right until
the moment I had heatshock and almost passed out! If you are clubing in latex boys
and girls, drink your water!
Here I am kidding around with Honeyhair - I look like a monkey stealing fruit!

Rubber Madness strikes again!
At the club, image taken by 3xL, whom I got to meet and is a great guy.

After the party, I spent Sunday being miserable, and trying to gather my strenght
for the actual German Fetish ball. I decided to go for 1-2 hours, just to "see what
it was". It was SO awesome I stayed until 4 AM! But that's pretty light weight, a
friend went to bed at 1 PM... Since cameras were not allowed inside, I have few
pictures unfortunately, but here you go:
I wasn't kidding when I said I was tired! (this is before the party. but I found
some iner strenght later

Honeyhair and I, with BelgiumMarc clowning in the background. I did the photo editing,
Rikapt took it.

Photo of Rikapt, Honeyhair and I by BelgiumMarc (a very cool guy too btw).

My hosts in all their glory! Photo by Alexander Horn

The following day, we had supper and went out with some friends - again, not many
pictures taken for some reason, but here is one. Here we can see Missfuzzybunny and her
husband Kenneth, who had came to the ball as well. I have known MFB for a few years
now and it was a thrill to finaly meet her in person! This was a nice quiet end to
an amazing trip and I enjoyed it tremendeously. I didn't hurt I wasn't sick anymore.