A few weeks ago, a friend of mine decided to organize a play party for his SO. He was
looking for a play space, and I recommended renting a local club that had just recently changed
hands, and is now run by Wicked Wanda. The event, although a bit rushed organization wise,
was a frank success and we all had fun.
Playful and I decided that it would be a good opportunity to "test" some new gear we
had acquired, and sort of do an endurance test - you don't want to go to a big event
only to find out your outfit is unbearable after 1 hour and then have to go home!
So we tried new gear... and a lot of things have come in recently. Most exciting
perhaps was a Libidex catsuit. A new pair of thigh-highs were also on the menu, as well
as a new gasmask we had gotten that very same day at a local goth shop (Trivium).
I wasn't going to buy it thinking it would be outrageously price, but well, it was
very reasonable so... here we are!

I don't like shooting with flash much, so it was a challenge to find a spot with good
lighting in the club... except the bathroom (multi-gendered haha). I was a bit sceptical
at first, but it worked out much better than I thought. A bright, white room is great
for latex, and I managed to do body shots despite the cramped quarters.

You can see more details of the new gasmask here. The "grill visors" replaces the usual
lenses, so there is no fogging up. It does a good job of hiding the eyes (ie, looks
cool) and improves breathablility! Combo with a libidex open face hood and a spiked
collar and tada! Really happy with that find.

Sometimes limitations - like cramped space - can lead to creative solutions like this
pose :)

And now... erm... well I really liked these ones :D

And in my defence, so did she!

Em, so moving on... This shot happened when I noticed a certain pose she took - probably
trying to get a better look at the ground while moving around - and felt it had something
neat about it. In a gas mask, the expression are hidden, so the tilt of the head somehow
becomes more expressive and can convey a lot.

The following three are pretty similar shots, but I am including them because they
really show how small differences in angle and posture can really change the "look/feel"
created... and I liked them too :)


This next pose was Playful's idea, and I do like it (it shows off the boots well!),
although I think the photo would have been even better had I been a bit to the right -
six inches into the wall ha! Speaking of inches, those heels are 6 and 1/4 - yes she
can walk in them just fine... just not downhill. They are from Demonia incidentally.

And that's it! This was a bit of an improvised shoot - all I wanted were a few good
photos of the new outfit (which will be upgraded ;) and I think I quite achieved that, and
perhaps more. We were there to party after all. I hope you enjoyed, I know we did! ;)