Hello folks.
This is the story behind this shoot, but it's also a bit more than that - we took
a lot of photos that day that didn't quite fit in my "narrative", especially of playfulrubberdoll
posing, so I will try to explain what we did while showing off these photos :)
A friend, Playful and I decided to take advantage of the Canadian Thanksgiving (in
Octobre 2011) and the nice weather to go shoot in the Gatineau Park, specifically
the ruins of the Carbide Mill built by Thomas Willson over a hundred years ago.
After hiking for about half an hour and reaching our goal, we realize our error - the weather was so
nice that a lot of people had decided to do the same! With dozens of people milling about
(ha), we relocated to the ruins of the dam located just above the Mill. Here Playful
and Ltx are setting up. The Mill is down the hill, almost visible. Even though it
wasn't exactly what we had planned, we felt that we could work with it.

At first, Ltx wasn't quite sure what to do, having little experience with shoots. And
to be honest, I wasn't quite sure either since I've shot mostly women.

Thankfully, he quickly realized that all he had to do was interact and be active. A mask
can make modelling easier because you don't have to worry about your facial expression,
although it makes body language more important. I also found that I didn't really have
to worry about making him look sexy, but rather look *interesting*. I'm sure you will agree
after seeing the main shoot that he really did a great job.

Unfortunately, a large group of teenagers showed up. They weren't disruptive or disrespectful
per say, but they did have an annoying habit of wandering around and ending up in the shots!

That being said, no one freaked out, no one called the police, no one pestered or reacted
poorly, so all in all I think it was a positive interaction with the public. There were
other visitors though - due to the unseasonal weather (well over 20 C!), asian ladybugs
came out to sun themselves.

There were dozens of them, and one of them flew and landed on my ear. No big deal right?
I swatted at it to shoo it away... so it decided to take refuge in my ear canal!!
As soon as I realized what was going on I of course tried to grab it with my fingers, but it
just went in deeper.
Now, of course you and I both know that a ladybug can't do much damage, even while in your
ear canal. However, the reptilian part of the brain doesn't. I could feel it move around, and
the noise of the motion were amplified a thousand fold, especially when it hit my eardrum.
Remaining calm required an incredible effort, as the fight of flight part of my mind was
shrieking its head off. Ltx wondered if we should cancel the shoot, as I was clearly not
capable to do much of anything.
Playful tried to get it out, and she couldn't even see it. She tried sucking it out, but
for some pretty simple physical reasons, that wasn't going to work. I tried to get it
out with a twig, but that didn't work either. Finally, after a few minutes (an eternity)
it crawled out on its own and landed at our feet. I think after it banged its head against
my eardrum a few times it figured it was a dead end and headed back. I could have smooshed
it, but I didn't, out of consideration for having gotten out by itself.

I'm sure that made some of you laugh, but it's not a very sexy story - well if it's sexy
to you erm... your kink isn't my kink. So, ah, here's some photos of Playful looking hot!

I found that if I shot from this angle, I got a really nice blue shine on the latex due
to the sky reflecting onto the water then onto the catsuit

If you look carefully you can see the people down the hill/"waterfall"

There was this nifty little tiny "island" right besides the dam which allowed for interesting
angles - although you had to be careful as I once stepped in 6 inch deep water by accident.

Playful and Ltx had their own challenges, such as foot cramps!

All better now?

Another, more serious challenge I had to deal with was glare and lens flare, due to
the angle of the sun. I didn't have a lens hood and had to use my hand to block the sun,
which didn't always work.

The problem with all these distractions is that it makes it harder for me to focus on
my job, and I miss things. For example, I never realized how amazing the reflections in the
water were until after the shoot was done, I could have done a lot more with it. Here is
a shot that illustrates what I mean and... again, messed up by glare/flare.

In some cases however, I was able to use the flare to my advantage to create some
interesting effects such as... GET OUT OF MY SHOT!!!!

Oh well. Here's Playful being sexy again :)

And here is Ltx looking very, very cool. I never could decide if the close up or the more
panoramic view was better, but I think this is pretty neat no?

Eventually the throng of people left and we were able to go shoot *inside* the Mill. Unfortunately,
by this point the light was failing and the only way I could manage was to slow down the
shutter speed, which makes sharp photos challenging at best. Here Playful is looking at the
water once it has gone down the "hill" and goes by the Mill.

I should also admit that shooting inside the Mill is perhaps not the smartest thing we've
done, the footing is not the safest.

And that's it folks! Despite all the challenges and limitations, we had a lot of fun
and I feel the location allowed us to be quite creative. We may even return to try
different angles.
I hope you have enjoyed the main shoot as well as this little "behind the scenes" bonus
section. Feedback is always welcomed, and have no fear, more photos will follow :)

Credits: Models: Playfulrubberdoll, a friend; Latex by Libidex, Latexa, others, leather by
Il Bolero. Shot at the Gatineau Park by Observer, October 2011.
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These images are copyrighted and please do not re-post them without permission.
Please contact me via Deviant Art for questions, comments or if you are interested
in prints