After our successful outing in the Gatineau Hills, another friend of ours approached
us with more or less the same idea. He had access to a spot by a lake that had perhaps
less architecture, but was more secluded so we could take our time etc. Playful and I
were still pretty excited about our previous shoot so we agreed - might as well take
advantage of the weather right?
For a number of reasons, we decided to go with a similar visual "style" as the last
shoot, outfit wise. We headed for the hills and after a short drive, reached our
destination... sort of. The lake was a good 30 minute hike from our parking spot.

It was chilly, and playful and my friend were already dressed in latex. Playful doesn't
like the cold, but I told her not to worry, the trees would shelter us from the wind.
After a few wrong turns, and walking by an interesting looking swamp, we finally reached
the lake.

Unfortunately, the wind was blowing *from* the lake so the shore wasn't sheltered from
the wind at all! We decided to try to work quickly so that Playful wouldn't have to suffer
too much.

Despite this, the somber mood of the place and the silver quality of the light really worked
for me and for them as well I think.

I call this "Group of Seven" fetish photography :P

Ok that's probably quite exaggerated, but I did feel a strong "Canadian Painting" vibe
while I was shooting - perhaps I'm on to something here...

Trying to give my poor models a small respite from the cold, we moved a bit away from
the shore

I really loved the light that day, although I think I might have slightly over-exposed
at times.

Just who is in charge here?

The correct answer is "the photographer" - I get to direct! Now go down that hill!

Now come back up! Chop Chop! Although I hope you can see there is a method to my
madness ;)

At this point, we decided to walk back home... but on the way we saw the swamp again.
The water was most peculiar. Is this a swamp? A pond? A bog?

And since we were there and the wind was a bit dampened by the trees, why not shoot a few
more minutes?

It was tricky a tad, but my models were waterproof.

Looking back, I think I would have done better with a wider aperture, the background was
a bit busy...

But I think I managed anyway. I particularly like this one:

And then we took the long hike home to our well deserve reward of warm food, hot chocolate
and plenty of blankets! Perhaps we will return one day when it's a touch warmer and make
use of that swamp to its fullest. I hope you enjoyed this shoot folks :)

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These images are copyrighted and please do not re-post them without permission.
Please contact me via Deviant Art for questions, comments or if you are interested
in prints.