Winter Shade II
(please be patient as the images load)
This table, although a bit cold, turned out to be quite a good prop.
I was struck by the sheer... mundaneness of the setting vs her outfit, so I asked her
to relax and pose as if this was the most natural thing in the world. Shade knew
what I was going for as you can see - the position and mood she emanates contrasts
wildly with her outfit, and I loved the effect. She's ready for a cup of tea.
The observant among you will note evidence of the cold
I can't remember if I specifically asked her to take this pose or if it's a happy
accident, but it worked out.
A momentary lapse in inspiration
There we go! This is really a collaborative effort between her and I as we look for
interesting pose and angles - I couldn't do it without her creativity
This one I am particularly proud of because of how good it turned out "as is".
Apart from re-sizing the photo (and a minor sharpening to compensate for that),
there is no processing here - the colours, cropping, contrast etc etc, are all how
they came out of the camera. I could have improved it slightly with processing, but
I decided to show it "as is", in part because I am happy with it, but also so you
can see how great the light was that afternoon for latex photography.
Part of the creative process is also, once a good pose is found, me literally "circling"
her looking for good angles and shots. At the time I felt this one didn't work so
well but now looking back, I think I should have used it more.
Sometimes it pays to go up (or down), not just move laterally. If you look carefully
you will see this is kind of a self portrait.
And that's the end! We made sure to stay a bit away from the public but apart from a few
odd glances it went just fine. I think this shows that these kinds of public shoots really
are not that difficult or risky to do. Snow shooting also works great - IF you have a
very determined model. I hope that you enjoyed hanging out with us in the snow, we
certainly did.
Back to part one