Shade by the Trestle
For the third time in less than a year, I got to take photos of Shade - and hopefully
not the last either. We work well together and while she's quite far away, she lives
near relatives, so it's convenient too. I'm lucky to have found such a muse!
So we went to do a shoot at a historic courthouse - I'll upload that later - and after
that we went to do a second "backup" shoot near an abandoned trestle in southern New-
Brunswick. Even though I was rather tired (I had a rough week) I still manage to take
some very decent shots!
What's a trestle you say? This thing:

It's basically a wooden (or steel) bridge used to cross valleys for a train to pass on.
I'll admit and say I have no idea how old it is.

The narrow gap underneath is where a rural road goes through. And there *was* traffic.
Not a lot, but they all had to slow down to go through the single lane gap beneath
the trestle. One guy came by twice ;).

This particular shot was almost accidental, as I took it as Shade was turning around and
the wind picked up her dress. It had a very nice dynamism to it and I was very lucky
with the timing.

We them moved under the trestle. The wind was very helpful because not only it made for
some cool shots, but it also helped keep Shade cool in the rather strong early June sun.

While editing this shoot, I was always wondering "keep colour or black and white?" The
old tared timber really lent itself to some rather dramatic contrasts

This particular shot isn't very good, but it illustrates some of the challenges. The
iron railing was a very nice composition element, but for certain shots it was a big
pain in the butt. I'll also point out the horizontal beams behind her. We considered
having her walk on it and be shot above the water... which would have been really cool.
However, it was tricky getting there and with stiletto heels and the limited visibility
of the gasmask, we decided it was perhaps not the best of ideas...

So how did I deal with that iron railing? By being creative! I was short on dynamite,
after all.

"Oh dear, what will he think of next"

This trestle was pretty big...

... but perhaps it's best if I give Shade more presence in the shot hmm? ;) Once again,
the blessed wind lends a hand :)

And that's it folks! I hope you enjoyed the shoot. I will leave you with a shot of
Shade and I, where you can see her new hood better. I'll also note how freakishly tricky
it was to get that shot right by holding the camera at arm's length... by the time I
got it right, I had such a look of fierce concentration it seemed as if I had just
swallowed a bee! So I had to redo it AND look normal... a hard task at the best of

Latex by Polymorphe (corset), krisztalatex (body), Kastley (skirt) and latexnemesis (hood).