Fetish Weekend 2007
The Fetish Weekend, 2007 edition was once again a success, although
this year life seemed to have sent me more curveballs than usual.
Definitely hectic and confusing at times! But still, overall I had a blast. As
usual, I met old friends again and made new ones, people from Rubberpal,
the Latex Lair, Fetiche School, old friends from Montreal and abroad, etc.
Some of these I only see once a year, so I had a lot of socializing to do! I also
had resolved to flirt a bit more, a resolution that paid off... sort of.
Unfortunately, I ended up taking very few pictures. I hope that I will get more from
friends and the web. For now, you will have to satisfy yourself with images taken
of my Czech friends (Rikapt, Honeyhair and I. Seeing how attractive (to say
the least!) Honeyhair is, I think you folks will forgive me! I probably should add
that they are engaged now - I am very happy for them!
I so far don't have any pictures of the Friday event at cabaret Cleo (a shame, because
I really did have a lot of fun there.) Rikapt kindly provided an image of Honeyhair's
Friday night outfit however :

The Saturday event, the Latexy Ball, was the most "glamourous" and we therefore (tried to)
dress to the 9. Honeyhair is wearing the polymorphe dress I gave her to thank them
for their hospitality last year. I'm wearing my demaske shirt with my new pants also
from polymorphe. Yes folks, that's' my idea of glamour, matching stripes!
Group picture.

Goofing around in front of the camera again.

Trying to recreate the "from the back" picture from Berlin. Rikapt claims it's a
tradition now.

Update: I have received a few photos from Gerry Koehler, aka "Fucking Gerry", a friendly
and mischievious at times (hense the nickname) photographer. He kindly forwarded me
this image, taken at the party Saturday. Now to be fair, this is a good photo, but I
must admit that Gerry's timing was off. Had he been there a few minutes earlier, he
would have had a shot of Honeyhair being shined up on the "shining station" (where
Rikapt is standing) by a lovely woman in a black catsuit and corset... now THAT would
have been a *great* photo! Ah well, enjoy anyway!

On Sunday the party was "la nuit des masques" and was a play party. As such, people
dressed a bit "heavier". As my friends had no masks, I lent them my (matching) pair
of gasmasks. This meant I had to wear my hood instead. They declined to wear before
getting there, but I guess I'm a bit more harcore (or crazy, take it how you will).
I ended up wearing that thing for almost 4 hours.
Ok this was taken the week prior, but so we at leas have one gasmask picture, here it is:

The lucky couple!

More clowning around - but since it's the play party, we had to go hardcore!

Another berlin re-creation - hmmmm, I think it's better than the Saturday one...


Annother photo provided by "Fucking" Gerry. It's the end of the party and of the
weekend, and we all look nice and tired. I've taken off my hood around 2 AM (it's
stuffed in my shirt). To the far left is BelgiumMarc, a photographer and friend, who
looks exausted because he's been running around filming all night long - I'm looking
forward to seeing the fruit of his efforts.

And that's it folks! Other galeries of the weekend have been put on the web. So far, I
have found one on eros artist that is pretty good, as well as some on Club Sin's Site