Hello again. Here is part 5 of my Montreal Fetish Weekend photos from the Exhibitionist
Tour. Believe it or not, I'm past the halfway point! Edit: I must thank Nina2131 and
Catasta who kindly helped me "fill the blanks" so to speak.
As stated before, I give you permission to use them for any non-commercial purpose if
you are in them and if you give me credit (please don't delete the watermark). If
having these images here is a problem, please contact me (via fetlife or rubberpal) and
I will gladly remove them and/or blur your face/body/etc.
You can return back to the tour main page, or you can go back to my home page.
We will start with an image that is, in theory, "flubbed". I wanted to focus on Dunter,
but instead it focused on people behind him. Yet... somehow it looks pretty good I think.

Again, Marc is is calmed and composed, even besides the stunning Asmondena. I believe
that catsuit is her own design, I will have to enquire.

A lot of us on the dock now... and a decent shot of the Montreal skyline despite the haze.

Playful and Nina2131 posing for someone else - I thought it would be interesting to
capture this from the "reverse" angle. I don't know who he is, but he seems pretty
happy with his shot :) Edit: This is apparently The BagBoy to Domina Elle.

I don't know who this photographer besides Fucking Gerry is, but he was pretty friendly.
So much so that I forgive for being a Nikon shooter haha ;)
Edit: I've been told this is RJ Newton, who, based on this gallery, is *quite good*.
Go see!

A shot of Surlie with Catasta. I've done a bit of photomanipulation here, I'll challenge
you the viewers to tell me what it is I did exactly!

And now Catasta is posing with Playful. Edit part deux: Apparently I was wrong about
the suit,it's designed by him but built by Rubberluv.

Asmondena again

And now with Iniklyss (who came all the way from France) and Alexa-Unique. Quite the

Ltx.4.Jay, on board the boat, found the heat a bit much, and is being assisted by two
kink ladies
This treatment seems unorthodox to me, but it seemed to have revived him!

So we are now on the boat and are on our way. Predictably, cameras started going left
and right - there are at least 8 in this shot, can you find them all? And no that's not
Waldo on the left, but a far cooler chap! Amusingly, not *everyone* on the boat was
part of the group, you can see them if you look closely. I hope they had fun!

We sail on to to part 6!
Back to the home page.