After a very successful season of photography in the fall of 2011, Playful became a bit
bothered by the fact that everyone assumed those shots were of her and I, and that we
had very few photos of us together. I decided to approach my good friend David, who
while not being a photographer per say, is smashingly good at what he does and knows
how to get the best out of people - we already had worked together previously, with great
success. He was more than happy to help.
Here are the photos we took in December 2011. I'll start with the more "romantic"
couple's stuff. If you want to skip straight ahead to the heavy rubber, please go to
part two :)
The initial goal was to do that heavy rubber shoot, but David suggested we do something
a bit more traditional too, and we agreed. He was interested in the contrast between
"normal" portrait photography and latex, and I think the results are interesting to say the least.
The studio

Yes honey, I'm sorry I didn't shave!

Now for the nice, traditional shot

Now let's get serious.

More serious

Double plus serious!

Nah we're just kidding

Or are we?

Time to be romantic again


Clearly some discipline is required!

All is well again.

Truly finding Playful was like finding a treasure :)

Ok, enough with the mushy stuff - onwards to part two! I'll mention in passing that
the latex was by Catalyst Latex, Polymorphe, Libidex and Latexa.
Back to the home page.
These images are copyrighted and please do not re-post them without permission.
Please contact me via Deviant Art for questions, comments or if you are interested
in prints.