Ok, time for part two of our 2011 latex couple photography session! Now it's time for our
"heavy" outfits, still shot by my friend David :)
Let's start with a bang shall we? I think David did a *tremendous* job on this one

We did a few experiments with digital backgrounds

And it being the holidays, fooled around a bit -ooh bondage!

Different angles

We then took out another gasmask for Playful, to good effect I think.

Doing shoots like these with someone like David who's very skilled at directing is
quite helpful for picking up pointers. I'm not a great model, and I found that
modelling with a gasmask is easier in a way - you don't have to worry about facial
expressions. On the other hand, body language becomes hugely important.

And that's it folks! I hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. It was a fun and educational
experience. Once again big thanks go to David for his skills, efforts and patience :)
Lastly, latex on this shoot by Catalyst Latex, Polymorphe, Libidex, Blackstyle and Latexa. Leather
harness by Northbound Leather
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These images are copyrighted and please do not re-post them without permission.
Please contact me via Deviant Art for questions, comments or if you are interested
in prints.