People who know me say I've been in a better mood lately, and it's all because of
Playfulrubberdoll. We've been having tremendous fun together, and taking photos too!
I won't repeat myself and re-write the story (go see the first page for that ;)) but
I do hope you enjoy these photos as much as we enjoyed making them.
A new doll begins!
Dundas Square Shoot
Doll's journey
Doll's new hood
Bathroom Shoot
Parliament Nightime Shoot
After the Apocalypse
Hills and Swamps
Couple's Shoot
Lastly, I'll mention that's she's been very good at helping me edit photos ;)

P.S. Apparently some people have been searching for " " as a
way to reach this site. I'm amused ... but I thought I would help you folks a bit! :D
Back to the home page.
These images are copyrighted and please do not re-post them without permission.
Please contact me via Deviant Art for questions, comments or if you are interested
in prints